I have worked for Broadwell for a year as a part time employee in memory care and I must honestly confess how this is a good and fulfilling place for me to work for.
Firstly, this place invests in its employees to improve quality of residential care. Apart from the continuous trainings that are mandatory to take, the management closely monitors the performance of employees providing mentoring and coaching. They have instituted care giver heads who are amazing , patiently guiding us on the processes , monitoring clients safety all the time. Having at least 1 management person available and reachable 24/7 personally gives me confidence in my work.
As they come handy when needed even during the weekend. They also have a continuous monthly feedback mechanism where us employees are given a safe space to anonymously contribute to how we should positively work together, take care of residents, and troubleshoot shoot any challenges.
Because the management has shown a keen interest to involve us in decision making process and providing us with feedback, I feel I’m in a positive environment where my work is valued and where we all contribute to making Broadwell a welcoming and safe home for our residents.